
another new poem

satisfactory for you

hey! i found your perfect life. just thought I'd let you know. the friends, the job, the girl. i found it. you won't come for it because you think you've done it wrong. but it exists. don't waiver in the belief that it is there. but pray for your soul because your pride will fight you down, and it will always be a glimpse of what you should be in a frame. the view is bro
ken like my glasses after you step on them, hanging from one side of my face with webs on the lenses. i wish you wouldn't see it through that forever. let me know when your done sewing martyr to your t-shirt and I'll see what i can do. there may not be much left. i am breaking at the ankles and falling to paper shreds. find me before i am trapped in the office vacuum. find me before i let them eat me whole. find me before i abandon your abandonment. the walks alone in the drunken mornings are ugly at best. the bus keeps crawling up my thigh and i can't seem to hold my skirt down. the fabric sweats into bleeding crayons and i hate you for letting me alone.

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