
icy procrastination

In winter, everyone seems to do this little shuffle, penguin walk to avoid falling. I cannot penguin walk. Maybe my awkward legs that want to be 4 inches longer than they are just enjoying reaching out in front of me too much to let me penguin walk. So instead I fell. Into a 3 foot puddle of ice water, that I found out when I got home was dirty enough to stain my left legs a blackish tint.
Now instead of writing the paper analyzing an imaginary client and creating an intervention for this imaginary client, I am rubbing my borderline frostbitten foot, eating neopolitan ice cream [because everything else in the apartment requires effort and time to make], and lamenting the fact that I am residing in filth right now. Even in black and white it looks atrocious.
Today, I also stained the crotch of my jeans strawberry with my thawing koolaid during my sociology of families final. While laughing and mopping it up with my scarf, my strange brazilian/british/american professor tried to mouth something to me which looked like "pickled cell wreaths". I can't be sure if that is what he meant.
Then we traded chapbooks in my poetry final. That was nice. I felt like we should have all had cider and possibly a smoking jacket on as we read aloud from our books and admired everyone else's work. One of the girls in the class included artwork by Matt Cipov, which is so amazing.

Here is some of his work off his amazing website. http://www.mattcipov.com/

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