
found Bob Marcacci

I was really excited today after reading a poem from Bob Marcacci's series Alphabliss or Non-Nursery Rhymes to find http://www.logolalia.com/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/archives/cat_alphabliss_or_nonnursery_rhymes_by_bob_marcacci.html
that I can actually read the series online. Though the glare of the computer sometimes makes my eyes water (especially when I wear my glasses), just by reading the poems for the letters R and S, I am intrigued enough to go through all 26.


first two poems for class

my erasure poem. took two pages from Paradise Lost and erased words to create this. emulation after reading Radi Os by Ronald Johnson.

this was a free poem for class

Insert limb here

I followed the finger tips
of genetic calloused uvula’s
penny hammered exoskeletons
who’s face has been licked in
to the only lampshade
by clairvoyant filaments

she is

eyelashes askew, a manhandled mantle carrying gelatin postcards of yesterday’s face

her clavicle tastes of recess
and milkweed
Or of christmas
the cumin in the molar cavity

but dave or donny or M
of my aunt’s hand is on
the small of my back
which is lost (reward is offered)

My back is broad.
And carries the indigenous children

Until the Dresden cells march
To the enlarged optic
And I curl into empty milk


wish list for no particular reason

item 1

someone to make me or provide me with a bird cage to make one of these lamps

item 2

these flock pillowcases from anthropologie

item 3

this doodle sketch tapestry from urban outfitters for my bed


i just made the final change on my first two assignments for the advanced poetry writing class. Adam read them both, helped edit one, and wholeheartedly approved the other one which really made me excited about turning it in.

i will post both of them on here tomorrow after I turn them in class.

finishing Radi Os by Ronald Johnson. between reading that and Hush Sessions by Kristi Maxwell, i am on a poetry high and the nice thing is there is no coming down or end in sight thanks to the variety of poetry books i will be reading for this class.


in session

had my first advanced poetry writing class today. am really excited/nervous/shakey about it. i can't wait to start writing more again, and hopefully produce some decent stuff. I hope to post it on here as I go along as well.



My dog, Riley, is sick. I am a wreck over it. His energy has dropped significantly and it makes me horribly upset. My family believes he is probably on his last leg because he is 13. I am not ready for that.


I am keeping busy, even if from the outside I seem to be doing nothing. Today I let it slip. Today I fell victim to idleness and now can't crawl out of the tears washing me into the floor. I am weary of the word lonely and the taste it leaves on my tongue. I just want to find the someone who is supposed to be found or just find a way out. I am tired.